Sunday, January 6, 2008

No Big Hyips

If you have been visiting the major hyip forums recently, you will have probably noticed that the most expensive advertising is all available and has been so for at least the past month. What does this mean? Well it is a clear sign that the hyip arena is a in a dead period with very few large hyips. With few large hyips, there really are very few surefire places where you should invest.

When a new large hyip comes out, it is usually safe to say that it will be online for a while and that your investment will be relatively safe, regardless of whether the investment is real or rather a ponzi. However with the lack of big hyips that spend thousands on advertising there really is a void that should be filled.

Luckily the time that I call the Hyip New Year is right around the corner. This is a period around the beginning of February each year when loads of larger new hyips seem to crop up. Hopefully this year will be the same... as without the big ones I have little to talk about. ;)

- Mr Money Man

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